What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
What is OCD?
An anxiety disorder characterized by thoughts that are intrusive, that result in fear, apprehension, uneasiness and repetitive behavior intended to minimize the accompanying anxiety, is a known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD can result in symptoms that are can be time consuming and can result in alienating other people. Sufferers often recognize their compulsions and obsessions as irrational and unreasonable, which only adds to the distress of OCD.
Symptoms include performing a task a certain number of times such as closing and opening a door a fixed number of times prior to exiting or entering a room. A person suffering from OCD may be compulsive about washing or cleaning something multiple times. Symptoms also include repeated checking, hoarding, an aversion to certain numbers, and preoccupation with violent, religious or sexual thoughts. Some of the symptoms can cause financial and emotional distress.
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