Treatments for OCD

More than 3 million Americans are affected by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) every year. OCD usually begins during adolescence or early adulthood. OCD compels the sufferer to perform certain actions and will cause feelings of extreme panic and guilt. If not treated, OCD will reach levels of fright and will impact the sufferer’s career, home life and relationships. The causes are biological in nature, and OCD treatments are available.

An OCD diagnosis can be complicated to complete, as there are a great many symptoms that may be experienced by its sufferers. Some of the symptoms may seem bizarre and just plain weird. Some people who suffer from OCD would rather deny than admit they have certain compulsions or obsessions.

To receive a diagnosis of OCD, a health care provider will study the symptoms and determine they are compulsive and obsessive. The health care provider will include a thorough physical exam as part of the examination to rule out any other causes for such behavior.

It is possible to misdiagnose OCD, especially in children. OCD can be confused with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) because ADHD is the easier of the two to diagnose. OCD is sometimes confused with depression. OCD sufferers sometimes are afflicted with other psychiatric disorders that make matters worse and complicate the treatment path.

At one time, there was no treatment for OCD. The sufferer was left to battle the affliction by themselves. People who suffered from OCD often lived in despair, not being able to cope with their obsessions and compulsions. Treatments for OCD are available today, through therapeutic methods, strategies and techniques.

Medical treatments for OCD are quite effective when used in concert with other therapies to minimize symptoms. Like a lot of afflictions, OCD cannot be cured, but it can be minimized and managed very effectively. Tranquilizers are an OCD treatment for sufferers with extreme cases of OCD. An extreme case of OCD is usually debilitating. Tranquilizers work to relax the muscles in the body and lessen compulsive disorders. Since tranquilizers can become a bad, it is essential to use them sparingly and for short term durations.

Psychotherapy can be a very effective treatment and should always be the first choice of treatment. Psychotherapy can be an individual means of or a group setting means of help. The only form of psychotherapy help available is CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy, and it is considered highly effective. Its focus is to adjust behavior by changing thought patterns. Cognitive behavior therapy exposes a patient to the obsessions gradually and told not to engage compulsive behavior. As the exposure continues, the patient is building up immunity to that compulsion and will experience much less anxiety. After a period of time, patients, approximately 48% to 82% will stop compulsive behavior.

OCD symptoms can be relieved by an ingredient called inositol. It is a natural ingredient found in citrus fruits, whole grains, seeds and nuts. Inositol relieves symptoms of OCD in the same manner as SSRI’s do, but without side effects. It is an alternative that is quite attractive rather than using psychiatric medications for obsessive compulsive disorder treatment.

Click here to check out the Linden Method for fast recovery from OCD.