Treating Anxiety Attacks
There are number of techniques for treating anxiety attacks depending on the severity of the symptoms. Mild anxiety can often be successfully helped using natural methods but medication by be required to help treat severe cases. It is can be beneficial to work with a therapist to discover the underlying cause of anxiety in order that it might be better treated – many fears and anxieties have been shown to have started in childhood.
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What is Anxiety
Fear, stress and anxiety have become an almost normal part of life in our world today. Anxiety affects millions of people each year. Anxiety starts with stress and fear and grows into anxiety. Stress and fear are both reactions to perceived danger. This reaction causes us our central nervous system to react in preparation for fleeing. This is known as the ‘fight or flight response’. While this reaction served us well when we were cavemen, in today’s society we don’t need such drastic reactions.
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