Treating Anxiety Attacks

There are number of techniques for treating anxiety attacks depending on the severity of the symptoms. Mild anxiety can often be successfully helped using natural methods but medication by be required to help treat severe cases. It is can be beneficial to work with a therapist to discover the underlying cause of anxiety in order that it might be better treated – many fears and anxieties have been shown to have started in childhood.

Ways of treating anxiety attacks include:

Healthy diet. Daily diet should be composed of foods that increase the production of serotonin in the body. Increased intake of foods that heighten the level of serotonin usually leads to enhanced mood which reduces the risk for another anxiety attack. Frequent eating helps in keeping the level of blood sugar at an optimum level. Studies show that low level of blood sugar usually leads to anxiety. Furthermore, avoidance from alcohol and nicotine is strongly advised because they can heighten the level of anxiety.

Get enough sleep. Getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep helps in rejuvenating the body and keeps it from getting stressed. Long term lack of sleep usually leads to stress which can trigger the onset of panic or anxiety attacks in the future.

Regular exercise. At least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise can help in reducing the intensity and recurrence of anxiety attacks. Research shows that exercise makes an excellent stress and anxiety reliever.

Practicing relaxation techniques such as mindful meditations, yoga, tai chi, deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation also helps in treating anxiety attacks. Relaxation techniques actually help in increasing the feeling of relaxation, eliminating stress and reducing the symptoms of anxiety attacks. Breathing exercise also helps in treating anxiety attacks. Learning how to breathe using the belly muscles proves to be an effective method in dealing with anxiety attacks. It produces slower brainwaves which results to relaxation and calmness.

Herbal remedies. Valerian root, passion flower, winter cherry, flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil and chamomile oil are some of the most common and effective herbal remedies for anxiety attacks. There is also a wide availability of medications and supplements that can help in treating anxiety attacks. Vitamin B-complex supplements are scientifically proven to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of panic attacks and prevent its future recurrence.

Visualization. Treating anxiety attacks using visualization helps take the mind off the fear. By become competent in visualization techniques the fears can be diminished and more pleasing thoughts substituted in their place. Successful visualization makes use of all the senses – hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch – which causes the mind to become preoccupied with the new images and abort the fearful reaction it was experiencing.

Focus on activities that require concentration. Diffusing anxiety by focusing on a mental activity such as a crossword or Sudoku puzzle is a very successful tactic often recommended by therapist. Distraction therapy works and in its simplest form can just involve sufferers counting backwards in their heads from 1000.

Get a massage. Muscle tension and stress are like the proverbial chicken and egg which one comes first we can’t be sure but they are connected. Relieving tension through massage can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Work through the fear. Use positive affirmations and rewards to help face and overcome the cause of the anxiety.

Cognitive behavioral therapy. For severe cases of anxiety attacks, getting the help of a professional counselor helps in treating anxiety attacks. Professional psychologists and psychiatrists can provide effective therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and interoceptive exposure therapy, in overcoming anxiety attacks. Cognitive behavioral therapy involves the identification of the root causes of the attacks and substitutes the inappropriate responses of the victims with acceptable behaviors.

Interoceptive exposure therapy. Some professionals apply this treatment method in treating anxiety attacks because of its effectiveness. Interoceptive exposure therapy involves the process of exposing the patient to the factors that can trigger the occurrence of anxiety attacks. After the exposure to the stressors, the therapist explains and illustrates that there is no harm in being exposed to such factors.

For help on treating anxiety attacks click here to check out the Linden Method to eliminate anxiety fast.